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Promising Technologies To Help Build A Better Future

There’s no denying that technology today has seeped into every aspect of life. Not only is it rapidly changing the world, but also advancing towards making it a better place to live in, by developing virtual assistants that help you with practically anything. Technology has come a long way in recent decades; constant development and technology have paved the way to expand our outlook and led to some groundbreaking innovations. So let’s go ahead and look at the top 10 technologies of 2021 the promise to build a better future.

Number 10: We have wireless power transfer: wireless power transfer is the transmission of electrical energy without using conduct as a medium. It uses electromagnetic induction. Over the years, this technology of wireless power transmission has eliminated the use of cables and batteries, increasing the mobility, convenience and safety of an electronic device for all users. Wireless power transfer is useful to power electrical devices where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous or are not possible.

Samsung, Huawei, Energy Cooperation, Toshiba, Panasonic and Philips have become the leading players in the global wireless power transmission market. In the future, wireless power transmission is expected to reach $16.3 billion by 2025, from $3.1 billion in 2017 to 23.10% CAGR. Not talking about the job trends, Apple, Dish Network, Google, Cisco, Verizon Wireless, Exchange Networks are some of the companies that hire for wireless power transfer.

Computer science, electrical engineering, physics principles, power systems, proficiency in MATLAB, Python and experience in wireless systems are necessary to get into this field.

Number 9: we have augmented and virtual reality: augmented reality is an enhanced version of reality created by the use of technology to add digital information to an image or something. Virtual reality is defined as the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Facebook has launched a new interactive augmented reality add to its news feed that lets you play games or see how makeup looks on your skin. Apple has been rumored for a long time working on an AR headset. A newly published Apple Payton may give us a better look at what the headset could look like. Video games using virtual reality can be considered as doing some physical exercise. In the future, augmented reality could be used for transitioning from PC — based to standalone mobile VR devices mapping the real-world to enable persistent AR mirror walls and tracking and facial expressions built-in for natural communication.

VR could also help create virtual humans to keep the real one’s company talking about job trends. Apple has recently posted a large collection of job openings, calling specifically for AR and VR expertise. Jobs range from graphics system UI, system frameworks and software engineers to an AR or VR demo evangelist, Companies hiring for ARVR are Boston Consulting Group, map systems in data analytics and cognitive 3d. You need to know Java, Python MATLAB experience in commercial software design, experience in high-performance computing software programming, fabulous system architecture and GPU programming.

Number 8: we have RPA for Robotic Process Automation: RPA, the process for automating anything and everything in business operation with the help of robots to reduce human intervention. Robotic Process Automation is an evolving technology that is expected to be mainstream in 2022. It is estimated that by 2022, 40% of large enterprises will have deployed RPA software, up from less than 10% today, by 2022, the global market for RPA technologies is expected to grow to $5 billion. By 2022, 92% of European businesses will be adopting Robotic Process Automation technologies to make structures and processes more efficient RPA used by just 19% of corporate controllers. Still, that number is set to grow by 73% of controllers by 2020. RPA will be widely used in different domains and industries like manufacturing, retail, analytics, aviation, oil and gas and legal. Also, data entry and data analysis jobs will be managed with automated tools and techniques. The next stage of our RPA will move beyond today’s technology and started to include AI aspects companies hiring for our RPA are Verizon, Albertson companies, Del, NTT data and Cognizant. Python, Java, SQL, experience in AI machine learning and Scala are some of the skills you need to become an RPA.

Number 7: we have quantum computing. It is the area of study for developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory. It explains the nature and behavior of energy and matter on the quantum level. In 2016, scientists built a five — cubits fully programmable computer. Now it’s been upgraded to 53 cubits, IBM will soon launch this 53 cubit quantum computer.

Quantum computers operate on the atomic level, and it allows them to process data at speeds unimaginable to classical computers that we are using nowadays. China has set up its first commercial quantum network in the northern province of Chandon. The US NSF or the National Science Foundation, awarded $2 million to the University of Maryland to lead research on quantum machine learning. That means in the future, quantum computing will solve many areas of physics that are only technically proven, like nuclear physics, condensed metaphysics, plasma physics, and so on.

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize how we use data and power machines. If we continue like this, by 2040 we will not have the capability to power all the devices in the world unless we can crack quantum computing. IBM, Google, General Atomic, and Quantitative systems are some companies that are hiring for quantum computing. Experience with quantum programming, stack, developing numerical models and algorithms. Experience of designing, running and analyzing algorithms on quantum hardware are some required skills for this field.

Number 6: we have IoT or the Internet of Things: IoT is a system-oriented related computing device, mechanical, industrial machines, objects, animals or people, that are provided with unique identifiers. And the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human to human or human to computer interaction. We’ll talk about a few technology developments in the field of IoT now.

IoT benefits the healthcare sector in a big way; sensors and wearable devices can collect and monitor the data and instantaneously send it for processing. Health monitors transfer analytics by the minute, which can help doctors across the world, analyze and deal with problems. Cloud services have become essential for IoT deployment. These allow for various devices in an environment to run cloud services without being connected to the cloud. Google introduced its first self-driving car under the name of Google Weibo, way back in 2017.

Machine learning, AI involvement, and edge analytics all come into play, to make the car operate and analyze the environment in real-time. The future of IoT has the potential to be limitless, advances to the industrial internet, increase network agility, integrated AI and the capacity to deploy, automate, orchestrate and secure diverse use cases, hyper-scale,

As the IoT market continues to grow, the IoT job market demand for highly skilled engineers, and other technical professionals, Siemens, NTT Data, SAP, Walmart, Accenture and Western Digital are some companies hiring for IoT. Masters in computer science, strong analytical problem-solving skills, hands-on experience with Python, machine learning and deep learning are some essential skills required.

Number 5: Blockchain: Blockchain is a distributed database of immutable records called blocks which are secured using cryptography. It is currently used to track and trace compliance regulations and to build a secure Open Network for the drug supply chain by pharmaceutical companies. It is used to verify the authenticity of artworks, to track, validate and execute oil and gas transactions securely and to reduce the settlement time, the cost of processing payments and to increase the transparency of cross — border transactions. Based on recent news, blockchain engineers have a 517% increase in demand and the number of positions has grown more than fivefold in the past year. In 2020, blockchains will be used for improved water resource management and decentralized water use systems.

According to Gartner, by 2020, at least five countries will have a national cryptocurrency. It will have the ability to troubleshoot on-chain events and manage uptime and connectivity, even when some components fail. Blockchain will be used for data privacy using identity-based encryption. Companies hiring for blockchain, Deloitte, KPMG, Cognizant, EY Consulting and Verizon. Experience working with C++, Python, relational and SQL databases, cryptography, large codebases and Internet Security are some skill sets that you need to become a blockchain developer.

Number 4, we have natural language processing and voice technology: advancements in computer science have made it possible for humans to interact with machines in their native language, either written or spoken manner.

This is possible with the help of NLP, natural language generation or energy and natural language understanding or NLU are the two main components of NLP. Natural Language Processing helps organizations reduce customer effort, improve the organization’s analytical capabilities and enable advanced automation. Earlier, NLP was limited to only text messages. Now it has become more popular for voices as well. It can understand the language, emotions and sentiment of what a person is writing or talking about. It helps in the space of automatic speech recognition and natural language processing in unique languages for building voice assistants and for speech analytics. NLP is also used to scan users email boxes for signs of meeting requests, with an app called woven, Its virtual assistant generates suggested times to meet and sends emails to attendees to select the time option. According to research by Gartner, a quarter of all companies will have integrated a virtual customer assistant or a chatbot using some form of NLP into their customer service by 2020.

In the future, NLP will be used for email assistance, which is auto-correct grammar spellcheck, chatbots sign AI, which is a sign language translator, and predictive police work. NLP in healthcare and Life Sciences is projected to grow at a CAGR of 21.2% between 2018 and 2025. Companies hiring for NLP are JP Morgan, Microsoft, Amazon, Dell, Target, and so on. Data mining, machine learning, deep learning, and much more are some requirements of NLP.

Number 3: Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is the process of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data rather than a local server personal computer. Earlier, cloud computing had only three general models, software as a service, platform as a service and infrastructure as a service. Now cloud computing has XAAS, which is everything as a service. It also includes disaster recovery as a service, communication as a service, and network as a service.

Cloud computing is expected to provide the digital infrastructure for smart cities, with the cloud data is transformed into small data and managed virtual data; less time will be required by applications to process this data. Data will be better secured and easy to maintain because the cloud is centralized.

The results of data analysis will be more accurate; 83 % of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020. 50% of IT professionals believe that AI and machine learning play a significant role in cloud computing adoption today, growing to 67% by 2020. Companies hiring for cloud computing are JPMorgan, Honeywell, IBM, Wells Fargo, Google and Amazon. AWS certification, knowledge of Red Hat, PPC, VC and DevOps and automation experience, or the skills required to start a career in cloud computing.

Number 2: 5G: 5G is the fifth generation of cellular technology and is expected to provide Internet connections that are at least 40 times faster than 4g LTE. 5G would significantly improve the bandwidth, capacity and reliability of cellular broadband far more than previous generational shifts. 5G will be used in developments of mixed reality, smart factories and smart cities. 5G technology enables edge computing architecture.

Edge computing is the practice of processing data near the edge of your network where data is generated, rather than in a centralized data processing warehouse. By 2035, it is estimated that 5G will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output. In the future with that of 5G, there’ll be a 10 times decrease in latency, 10 times increase connection density, three times increase in spectrum efficiency, and 100 times increase in traffic capacity.

In the US, the Big 4 carriers, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon, will begin rolling out 5G networks in 2019 and 2020. Reliance, Geo and Chinese telecom firms, China Mobile, China Unicom and many others have joined hands for 5G technology. Companies hiring for 5G are Verizon, Nokia, Motorola, Qualcomm, and Samsung Electronics. Experience in wireless communication technologies, knowledge of communication theory, signal processing, machine learning, MATLAB, c, c++, shell scripting, and so on are some skills required to start a career in this field.

And finally, on top of the hierarchy, at number 1: we have Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and act like humans. AI is now being used in almost every business sector to reduce human intervention; AI also plays a major role in cybersecurity and digital marketing. 69% of IT executives say that they cannot respond to cybersecurity threats without artificial intelligence. AI improves the accuracy of detecting breaches, increases the efficiency of cybersecurity analysts, reduces the time they spend analyzing false positives, and improves productivity.

In digital marketing, AI is being used to predict the behavior of a customer, delivering a personalized experience to the user and unlocking new opportunities for marketers. It is expected that in the future, AI and robotics will come together, and AI will help create fully functional robots. AI-driven virtual assistants will anticipate your needs and fulfil them without the need to give them any instructions.

Many in the tech industry anticipate AI-driven applications, allowing machines to recognize your face to complete transactions, Researchers are already underway to develop new software applications that use AI to help doctors diagnose and treat patients. Google, Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Amazon, Baidu and Boeing, are some companies hiring for AI, The skills required to become an engineer are Python, machine learning deep learning, TensorFlow, data science, SQL and BI tools.

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